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Popular data.world and Twitter workflows and automations
Store tweets by a specific user in a data.world dataset
Store favorite Tweets in a data.world dataset
Useful data.world and Twitter integrations
Triggers (If this)
New tweet by you
This Trigger fires every time you post a new tweet.
New tweet by you with hashtag
This Trigger fires every time you post a new tweet with a specific hashtag.
New tweet by you in area
This Trigger fires every time you post a tweet at a location you specify.
New mention of you
This Trigger fires every time you are @mentioned in a tweet.
New link by you
This Trigger fires for every link you tweet. If your tweet has multiple links, it will fire multiple times.
New follower
This Trigger fires every time a new user starts following you.
New liked tweet by you
This Trigger fires every time you like a tweet.
New tweet by a specific user
This Trigger fires every time the Twitter user you specify tweets.
New tweet from search
This Trigger fires every time a new tweet matches your search query. Limited to 10 tweets per check, and protected tweets will not be returned.
New tweet by anyone in area
This Trigger fires every time anyone posts a tweet at a location you specify.
Actions (Then that)
Add file from URL
This action will add a file via URL to a data.world dataset or data project. If a file already exists with the same name, it will be updated.
Post a tweet
This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account. NOTE: Please adhere to Twitter’s Rules and Terms of Service.
Sync files and streams
This action will initiate the sync process for a data.world dataset or data project. data.world will fetch the latest version of all files added via URL and process data streamed since the last sync.
Post a tweet with image
This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account with a linked pic.twitter.com image. NOTE: Please adhere to Twitter’s Rules and Terms of Service.
Append to a stream
This action will append a new record to a stream in a data.world dataset or data project. New data appended to a stream will be processed the next time sync runs.
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