Every day at same time, post an automatic tweet
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Date & Time workflows and automations
Every Monday morning of the week, you get a quote!! #quotes #quotation #happy
Let Automower sing Happy Birthday
Use hue as a clock
Turn off all your Hue lights at night
Mute your Android phone at bedtime
Adds a random Wikipedia article to your Feedly queue every day
Automatically post a daily reminder to a Telegram chat
Every month post a message to your Facebook Page fans
Useful Date & Time and Wemo Dimmer integrations
Triggers (If this)
Every day at
This Trigger fires every single day at a specific time set by you.
Switched on
This trigger fires every time your Dimmer is turned on.
Every hour at
This Trigger fires once an hour at :00, :15, :30, or :45 minutes past the hour.
Switched off
This trigger fires every time your Dimmer is turned off.
Every day of the week at
This Trigger fires only on specific days of the week at the time you provide.
Long press
This trigger fires every time your WeMo Dimmer is turned on or off with a long press over two seconds.
Every month on the
This Trigger fires every month on the day and time you specify.
Every year on
This Trigger fires once a year on the date and time you specify.

Every day at
This Trigger fires every single day at a specific time set by you.

Switched on
This trigger fires every time your Dimmer is turned on.

Every hour at
This Trigger fires once an hour at :00, :15, :30, or :45 minutes past the hour.

Switched off
This trigger fires every time your Dimmer is turned off.

Every day of the week at
This Trigger fires only on specific days of the week at the time you provide.

Long press
This trigger fires every time your WeMo Dimmer is turned on or off with a long press over two seconds.

Every month on the
This Trigger fires every month on the day and time you specify.

Every year on
This Trigger fires once a year on the date and time you specify.
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Turn on
This action will turn a WeMo Dimmer on. If the WeMo Dimmer is already on, it will remain on.
Turn off
This action will turn a WeMo Dimmer off. If the WeMo Dimmer is already off, it will remain off.
Change brightness
This action will change brightness of a Dimmer to a specified level/percentage.
Toggle on/off
This action will toggle a WeMo Dimmer on or off.

Turn on
This action will turn a WeMo Dimmer on. If the WeMo Dimmer is already on, it will remain on.

Turn off
This action will turn a WeMo Dimmer off. If the WeMo Dimmer is already off, it will remain off.

Change brightness
This action will change brightness of a Dimmer to a specified level/percentage.

Toggle on/off
This action will toggle a WeMo Dimmer on or off.
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