Receive NASA's image of the day in your email
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Email workflows and automations
Quickly email yourself a note
Email a message to a Slack channel
Email me the hottest Black Friday posts from Reddit
Get an email reminder a week before your wedding anniversary
Get an email when the NSF announces a new scientific discovery
Gmail to Sheets
Get an email with NASA's astronomy pic of the day
Get an email when your EZVIZ camera senses motion
Useful Email and SMS & Text-To-Speech by seven integrations
Triggers (If this)
Send IFTTT any email
Send IFTTT any email at and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient. This trigger will reject emails with attachments over 30MB.
Send IFTTT an email tagged
Send IFTTT an email at with a hashtag in the subject (e.g. #IFTTT) and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment (up to 30MB) and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient.

Send IFTTT any email
Send IFTTT any email at and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient. This trigger will reject emails with attachments over 30MB.

Send IFTTT an email tagged
Send IFTTT an email at with a hashtag in the subject (e.g. #IFTTT) and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment (up to 30MB) and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient.
Queries (With)
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together