Popular Evernote and RSS Feed workflows and automations
Lifehacker top posts RSS to Evernote
Rss to Evernote
Save your Typ.io liked to Evernote #typio
Add healthy 'Make it Tonight' recipes to Evernote from eatingwell.com
Rss To Evernote
Main Site RSS To Evernote
RSS to Evernote
Useful Evernote and RSS Feed integrations
Triggers (If this)
New feed item
This Trigger fires every time a new item is added to the feed you specify.
New note in a notebook
This Trigger fires every time you create a new note in a specific notebook.
New feed item matches
This Trigger fires every time a new item in the feed you specify contains a particular keyword or simple phrase.
Add a specific tag to note
This Trigger fires every time you add a specific tag to any of your notes.

Actions (Then that)
Create a note
This Action will create a new note in the notebook you specify.
Append to note
This Action will append to a note as determined by its title and notebook. Once a note’s size reaches 2MB a new note will be created.
Append a to-do to note
This Action will append a to-do checkbox to a note as determined by its title and notebook. Once a note’s size reaches 2MB a new note will be created.
Create a link note
This Action will create a new link note from a source URL in the notebook you specify.
Create image note from URL
This Action will create a new note with an image attachment in the notebook you specify.
Create an audio note from URL
This Action will create a new note with an audio attachment in the notebook you specify.

Evernote and RSS Feed resources

Guide to organizing and saving articles
Become the most productive person in the room by creating the Ultimate Calendar Automation Applet.

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