If any new post on Football Talk, then Add reminder to list NewTitle
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Triggers (If this)
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Triggers (If this)
New post on Wolvesblog.com (Wolverhampton)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Wolvesblog.com
Send IFTTT any email
Send IFTTT any email at trigger@applet.ifttt.com and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient. This trigger will reject emails with attachments over 30MB.
New post on Spurs-web.com (Tottenham)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Spurs-web.com
Send IFTTT an email tagged
Send IFTTT an email at trigger@applet.ifttt.com with a hashtag in the subject (e.g. #IFTTT) and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment (up to 30MB) and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient.
New post on Football Talk
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Football Talk
New post on Tribal Football
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Tribal Football
New post on Talkchelsea.net (Chelsea)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Talkchelsea.net
New post on Nufc.co.uk (Newcastle United)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Nufc.co.uk
New post on Rightinthegarykellys.com (Leeds United)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Rightinthegarykellys.com
New post on Foxesofleicester.com (Leicester City)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Foxesofleicester.com
New post on Hammers.news (West Ham)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Hammers.news
New post on Theboyhotspur.com (Tottenham)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Theboyhotspur.com
New post on Theeaglesbeak.com (Crystal Palace)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Theeaglesbeak.com
New post on 7500toholte.sbnation.com (Aston Villa)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on 7500toholte.sbnation.com
New post on Royalbluemersey.sbnation.com (Everton)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Royalbluemersey.sbnation.com
New post on Beesunited.org.uk (Brentford Bees)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Beesunited.org.uk
New post on Wearebrighton.com (Brighton & Hove Albion)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Wearebrighton.com
New post on Thisisanfield.com (Liverpool)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Thisisanfield.com
New post on southamptonfc.com (Southampton)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on southamptonfc.com
New post on Bitterandblue.sbnation.com (Manchester City)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Bitterandblue.sbnation.com
New post on Manutd.com (Manchester United)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Manutd.com

New post on Wolvesblog.com (Wolverhampton)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Wolvesblog.com

Send IFTTT any email
Send IFTTT any email at trigger@applet.ifttt.com and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient. This trigger will reject emails with attachments over 30MB.

New post on Spurs-web.com (Tottenham)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Spurs-web.com

Send IFTTT an email tagged
Send IFTTT an email at trigger@applet.ifttt.com with a hashtag in the subject (e.g. #IFTTT) and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment (up to 30MB) and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient.

New post on Football Talk
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Football Talk

New post on Tribal Football
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Tribal Football

New post on Talkchelsea.net (Chelsea)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Talkchelsea.net

New post on Nufc.co.uk (Newcastle United)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Nufc.co.uk

New post on Rightinthegarykellys.com (Leeds United)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Rightinthegarykellys.com

New post on Foxesofleicester.com (Leicester City)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Foxesofleicester.com

New post on Hammers.news (West Ham)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Hammers.news

New post on Theboyhotspur.com (Tottenham)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Theboyhotspur.com

New post on Theeaglesbeak.com (Crystal Palace)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Theeaglesbeak.com

New post on 7500toholte.sbnation.com (Aston Villa)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on 7500toholte.sbnation.com

New post on Royalbluemersey.sbnation.com (Everton)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Royalbluemersey.sbnation.com

New post on Beesunited.org.uk (Brentford Bees)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Beesunited.org.uk

New post on Wearebrighton.com (Brighton & Hove Albion)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Wearebrighton.com

New post on Thisisanfield.com (Liverpool)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Thisisanfield.com

New post on southamptonfc.com (Southampton)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on southamptonfc.com

New post on Bitterandblue.sbnation.com (Manchester City)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Bitterandblue.sbnation.com

New post on Manutd.com (Manchester United)
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on Manutd.com
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