Connect Apple App Store to Discord and unlock powerful automations

Other popular Apple App Store workflows and automations

Useful Apple App Store and Discord integrations

Apple App Store and Discord resources

7 Google Drive integrations & automations for productivity

7 Google Drive integrations & automations for productivity

Check out our best Google Drive integrations and learn how you can configure automations in minutes with IFTTT!

How to add a link to TikTok bio

How to add a link to TikTok bio

Click to learn how to add a link to TikTok bio!

Shared location automations

Shared location automations

Our new shared location capability allows you to control the smart devices in your home and other automations based on the location of your favorite people. Trigger your Applets based on the location of multiple people with the new Group...

How to Show What you are Watching on Discord

How to Show What you are Watching on Discord

Show your friends what YouTube video you are currently viewing by displaying the custom status on your Discord profile. It’s simple and it also works with Netflix, SoundCloud, Twitch and YouTube Music.

How an IFTTTer automates their Shopify store

How an IFTTTer automates their Shopify store

IFTTT can now help ecommerce managers automate their Shopify store. Click to learn more!

Google Assistant automations

Google Assistant automations

Google Assistant has four triggers that can be used to make personalized trigger sentences that can include text and number ingredients. These Applets are the solution to connecting the devices and services in your life and helping them ...

How to Create a Free Discord RSS Bot with IFTTT

How to Create a Free Discord RSS Bot with IFTTT

You can level up your Discord server with our free customizable RSS bots. Read on to learn more about RSS feeds and how to use IFTTT to automate Discord channels.

Optimize your social media profile by connecting Lnk.Bio with IFTTT

Optimize your social media profile by connecting Lnk.Bio with IFTTT

Click to learn how to optimize your social media profile with Lnk.Bio & IFTTT.

How to get Rust Twitch drops (easy method)

How to get Rust Twitch drops (easy method)

Interested in learning how to get Rust Twitch drops? Click to learn the easy method!

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together