Other popular Apple News and Music workflows and automations
Log iTunes Top 25 Songs in a Google Sheet
Post on Facebook When a New Paid App Enters the Top 10
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Top 10 Songs on Apple Music to my mobile widget!
Track Top 25 Paid Apps in Google Sheets
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Useful Apple News and Music and Google Calendar integrations
Triggers (If this)
Top 10 Songs
This trigger fires when there is a new update available for the "Top 10 songs" on iTunes
New event added
This Trigger fires every time a new event is added to your Google Calendar. Note: The time in the ingredient will be based on the timezone set in Google Calendar.
Top 25 Songs
This trigger fires when there is a new entry available for the "Top 25 Songs" on iTunes
New event from search added
This Trigger fires every time a new event from search is added to your Google Calendar that contains a specific keyword or phrase. The search looks at the event’s Title, Description, and Location. Ingredient will be based on the timezone set in Google
Top 10 Albums
This trigger fires when there is a new entry available for the "Top 10 Albums" on iTunes
Any event starts
This Trigger fires a set number of minutes before the starting time of any event on your Google Calendar. Note: The time in the ingredient will be based on the timezone set in Google Calendar.
Top 25 Albums
This trigger fires when there is a new update available for the "Top 25 Albums" on iTunes
Event from search starts
This Trigger fires a set number of minutes before the starting time of an event on your Calendar that contains a specific keyword or phrase in the event’s Title, Description, or Location. Ingredient will be based on the zone set in Google.
Top 10 Paid Apps
This trigger fires when there is a new update available for the "Top 10 Paid Apps" in the App Store
Any event ends
This Trigger fires within 15 minutes of the ending time of an event on your Google Calendar. Note: The time in the ingredient will be based on the timezone set in Google Calendar.
Top 25 Paid Apps
This trigger fires when there is a new entry available for the "Top 25 Paid Apps" in the Apple App Store
New event from search ends
This Trigger fires within 15 minutes of the ending time of an event on your Google Calendar that contains a specific keyword or phrase. The search looks at the event’s Title, Description, and Location. Ingredient will be based on the zone set in Google.
Top 10 Free Apps
This trigger fires when there is a new update available for the "Top 10 Free Apps" in the Apple App Store
You respond to an event invite
The trigger fires every time you respond to an event you're invited to. Note: The time in the ingredient will be based on the timezone set in Google Calendar.
Top 25 Free Apps
This trigger fires when there is a new entry available for the "Top 25 Free Apps" in the Apple App Store
Top Movies
This trigger fires when there is a new entry available in "Top Movies" on Apple TV+
Top TV Seasons
This trigger fires when there is a new entry for "Top TV Seasons" on Apple iTunes
Top TV Episodes
This trigger fires when there is a new entry available for "Top TV Episodes" from Apple iTunes
Apple Newsroom
This trigger fires when there is a new entry available from the "Apple Newsroom"
Apple Developer News
This trigger fires when there is a new update available in "Apple Developer News"

Queries (With)
List Calendars
This query returns your calendars.
Search Events
Search events of a calendar
List Attendees
Get a list of event attendees
List Busy Windows
List time windows when someone is busy.
List Events For a Date
This query returns a list events for a specific day.
List Events For a Date Range
This query lists events for a specific date range.
History of times you responded to a calendar invite.
The query returns a list of when you responded to an event you're invited to.
History of events from search added
This query returns a list of every time a new event from search is added to your Google Calendar that contains a specific keyword or phrase. The search looks at the event’s Title, Description, and Location.
History of events from search ended
This query returns a list of ending time (within 15 minutes) of events on your Google Calendar that contains a specific keyword or phrase. The search looks at the event’s Title, Description, and Location.
History of calendar event endings
This query returns a list of event ending times on your Google Calendar.
History of event from search starts
This query returns a list of a set number of minutes before the starting time of an event on your Google Calendar that contains a specific keyword or phrase. The search looks at the event’s Title, Description, and Location.
History of events added
This query returns a list of every time a new event is added to your Google Calendar.
History of calendar event beginnings
This query returns a list of event starting times on your Google Calendar.

Apple News and Music and Google Calendar resources

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