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Note widget and Notifications resources

Five automations that will change your life 2025

Five automations that will change your life 2025

There are endless ways to automate your life, with millions of Applets and unique ways to combine the services, devices, and apps you use every day. Getting started can feel overwhelming because there are so many opportunities to save yo...

Top Discord automations of 2025

Top Discord automations of 2025

Discord is a great way to connect with different communities around the world. Using IFTTT, you can automate notifications or share the latest updates from other sources. Whether you want to share your latest YouTube video as soon as it ...

Automated Gift Giving with IFTTT

Automated Gift Giving with IFTTT

If you are celebrating anything at this time of year, it very well may involve gift-giving. We’ve got your back (and your wallet) covered with this collection of tips that aim to automatically save you time and money.

 How to share Google Calendar with iPhone

How to share Google Calendar with iPhone

Google Calendar is a great way to keep track of your schedule. It can be used for personal or business purposes, and it's very easy to share with others. In this blog post, we will show you how to share your Google Calendar with anyone y...

Understanding the Creator Economy: A roadmap to success

Understanding the Creator Economy: A roadmap to success

Click to learn more! Understanding the Creator Economy: A roadmap to success

Ultimate calendar automation Applet

Ultimate calendar automation Applet

Become the most productive person in the room by creating the ultimate calendar automation Applet.

Five easy steps to repost on TikTok

Five easy steps to repost on TikTok

Interested in scaling your TikTok videos? Click to learn five easy steps to repost on TikTok and how to automate the process!

Guide to automating iOS and Android devices

Guide to automating iOS and Android devices

Your smartphone and wearable devices work better with IFTTT. Our free mobile apps make it easy to use all of our features with ease and give you complete control of your automations whenever and wherever. We are the leading low code auto...

How Does Patreon Work? Your Complete Guide

How Does Patreon Work? Your Complete Guide

How does Patreon work? Your complete guide to maximizing crowdfunding success.

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together