Connect Email to remo+ and unlock powerful automations

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Email and remo+ resources

Stay connected with LINE

Stay connected with LINE

Using IFTTT, LINE users can connect various services and devices in new, powerful ways. Not only can this help streamline your notifications, but it can elevate your experiences by allowing you to get the information you want, when and w...

How to delete a Spotify Account

How to delete a Spotify Account

Need help deleting your Spotify account? We got you covered. Click to learn how to delete your Spotify account.

4 Gmail automations to reduce context switching

4 Gmail automations to reduce context switching

IFTTT brings you the best Gmail automations and interrogations to increase productivity and decrease context switching.

Small business trends for 2025

Small business trends for 2025

When running a small business, you sometimes feel like you're in a bubble. Click to learn the best small business trends of 2025!

Best smart home devices of 2024

Best smart home devices of 2024

IFTTT lets you connect over 1000 of your favorite smart home devices. Click to learn the best smart home devices of 2024!

How a repairman automated their calendar with AI

How a repairman automated their calendar with AI

IFTTT AI can do way more than just write blogs and social posts, you can use it to scrape and read information. Click to learn how a Repairman automated their calendar with AI!

How to automate scheduling tasks to improve productivity

How to automate scheduling tasks to improve productivity

Explore the differences between scheduling tasks and automating scheduled tasks. IFTTT is here to help you discover what tasks should be scheduled instead of automated, as well as step-by-step instructions for automating scheduling tasks...

New service alert: Google Chat integrations

New service alert: Google Chat integrations

Adding to our impressions Google suite of automation services, you can now automate Google Chat with over 1000 services!

How to download SoundCloud songs for free

How to download SoundCloud songs for free

Click to learn how to download SoundCloud songs for free

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together