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Useful Google Sheets and Musaic integrations
Triggers (If this)
Home control scene selected
This Trigger fires whenever a home control scene is selected on a Musaic player. Trigger fields for the room (i.e. Musaic player) and scene identify which scene number it was and where it was selected.
New spreadsheet added to folder
This trigger fires when a new spreadsheet is added to a Google Drive folder you specify. Note: only works for spreadsheets created after the Applet turned on.
New liked song
This Trigger fires if you press the 'Like' (Heart) button on a Musaic player whilst listening to a music source that the Musaic player can get song information from.
New worksheet in spreadsheet
This trigger fires when a new worksheet is added to a spreadsheet you specify.
Radio preset selected
This Trigger fires whenever an internet radio preset is recalled on a Musaic player.
New row added to spreadsheet
This trigger fires when a new row is added to a spreadsheet you specify.
Timer activated
This Trigger fires when a timer fires on a Musaic player (such as a wakeup/alarm timer).
Cell updated in spreadsheet
This trigger fires when a particular cell is updated within the spreadsheet you specify.
Sleep timer finished
This Trigger fires when a sleep timer finishes on a Musaic player.
Queries (With)
Current values of a row
This query returns the current values in a given row. Values from columns A-Z are available as ingredients.
History of radio preset selections
This query returns a list of whenever an internet radio preset was recalled on a Musaic player.
Current value of a cell
This query returns the current value of a single cell in your spreadsheet.
History of liked songs
This query returns a list of if you press the 'Like' (Heart) button on a Musaic player whilst listening to a music source that the Musaic player can get song information from.
History of rows added to spreadsheet
This query returns a list of when a new row is added to a spreadsheet you specify.
History of when Cell was updated in spreadsheet
This query returns a list of when a particular cell was updated within the spreadsheet you specify.
History of spreadsheets added to folder
This query returns a list of when a new spreadsheet is added to a Google Drive folder you specify. Note: only works for spreadsheets created after the Applet turned on.
History of worksheets in spreadsheet
This query returns a list of when a new worksheet is added to a spreadsheet you specify.
Actions (Then that)
Play radio preset
This Action will recall and start playback of an internet radio preset stored in a Musaic player. If the player is in Networked Standby it will wake up. The volume will be the last volume used unless specified.
Update cell in spreadsheet
This action will update a single cell in the first worksheet of a spreadsheet you specify. Note: a new spreadsheet is created if the file doesn't exist.
Play audio from URL
This Action will replace the Musaic players queue with the audio from the given URL and start playback. The URL can be for a local music server or internet radio stream.
Add row to spreadsheet
This action will add a single row to the bottom of the first worksheet of a spreadsheet you specify. Note: a new spreadsheet is created after 2000 rows.
Recall home control scene
This Action will recall a home control scene that you have set up on your Musaic player. Setting a scene to "on" recalls that scene, setting a scene to "off" turns off all devices that are included in that scene.
Sound an alarm
This Action will play an alarm sound to the room (i.e. Musaic player) you select.
Speak to me
This Action will convert your message to speech and play it to a room (i.e. Musaic player) in the voice/language you choose.
Set volume
This Action will set a specific volume (0-100) for the room (i.e. Musaic player) that you select.
This Action will mute the selected room (i.e. Musaic player).
This Action will un-mute the selected room (i.e. Musaic player).
Turn off room
This Action will turn off the selected room (i.e. put the selected Musaic player into Networked Standby).
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