Get an email with your current location
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Email workflows and automations
Get a daily 6:00 AM email with the weather report
Spotify Alarm Clock
Get an email if it will rain tomorrow
Gmail to Sheets
Evernote To Do from email
Snap a book or movie you want to remember
Mail me free games with Steam keys posted to /r/gamedeals
Get an email with the pic whenever you take a new photo with your Android phone
Useful Email and Microsoft To Do integrations
Triggers (If this)
Send IFTTT any email
Send IFTTT any email at and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient. This trigger will reject emails with attachments over 30MB.
Task in list completed
This trigger fires when a task in a given list is completed
Send IFTTT an email tagged
Send IFTTT an email at with a hashtag in the subject (e.g. #IFTTT) and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment (up to 30MB) and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient.

Send IFTTT any email
Send IFTTT any email at and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient. This trigger will reject emails with attachments over 30MB.

Task in list completed
This trigger fires when a task in a given list is completed

Send IFTTT an email tagged
Send IFTTT an email at with a hashtag in the subject (e.g. #IFTTT) and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment (up to 30MB) and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient.
Email and Microsoft To Do resources

How to Create a Notion Page from an Outlook Email
Click to learn how to create a notion page from an Outlook email. Also learn how to connect Notion with 1000 services on IFTTT.

Best News Aggregator Websites and Apps
Click to learn the best news aggregator websites and how to automate them with IFTTT!

Best email apps for Android in 2025
Best Email Apps for Android in 2025

How to use Calendly (Easiest Guide)
New to Calendly? Click to read how to use Calendly quickly and easily. IFTTT connects Calendly with 750+ digital tools. Join IFTTT today!

The 7 best apps for content creators in 2025
Check out our recommendations for the best apps for content creators and learn how IFTTT can make your creative processes that much easier!

Unveiling the best email apps for iPhone in 2025
The best email apps for iPhone in 2025. Click to learn more!
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together