Connect Fing to Notifications and unlock powerful automations

Popular Fing and Notifications workflows and automations

Useful Fing and Notifications integrations

Fing and Notifications resources

How to share a Google Calendar

How to share a Google Calendar

Everyone uses Google Calendar, but its tough to share it with other. Click to learn how to share Google Calendar with anyone you want.

6 SMS automations for helpful notifications

6 SMS automations for helpful notifications

Make the most of your daily notifications by adding sms automations from IFTTT.

Guide to gaming automation 2025

Guide to gaming automation 2025

Gaming and streaming works better with IFTTT. Using automation and integration tools, you can streamline the processes that make your gaming experience even better and bring it IRL. With so many of the leading gaming services and platf...

Best smart home devices of 2024

Best smart home devices of 2024

IFTTT lets you connect over 1000 of your favorite smart home devices. Click to learn the best smart home devices of 2024!

YouTube Applets

YouTube Applets

For casual watchers, dedicated fans, and content creators alike, there are hundreds of ways to integrate YouTube videos into your life and your home. The easiest way to automatically share your latest videos with your audience across pla...

How to use and set up a Tempest Weather Station

How to use and set up a Tempest Weather Station

Click to learn how to set up a Tempest Weather Station!

How IFTTT can help your business

How IFTTT can help your business

Click to learn how IFTTT can help your business!

How does ChatGPT work?

How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT is a natural language processing technology developed by OpenAI that uses machine learning models to generate human-like sentences from input text. But how does ChatGPT Work? Click here to learn more.

Top 24 Productivity Hacks 2025: How to be more Productive

Top 24 Productivity Hacks 2025: How to be more Productive

You are more productive with IFTTT. The ability to create workflows, routines, and automate repetitive tasks make it easier to spend time doing the things that you love with the people who matter most. Click to learn the top 24 productiv...

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together