Save new Google contacts to a Google Drive spreadsheet
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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
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Useful Google Sheets and Nefit Easy integrations
Triggers (If this)
Room temperature changed
This trigger fires every time the room temperature changes by a pre-selected amount.
New spreadsheet added to folder
This trigger fires when a new spreadsheet is added to a Google Drive folder you specify. Note: only works for spreadsheets created after the Applet turned on.
This trigger fires whenever a notification is created by your heating system. This could be a low pressure warning or error message.
New worksheet in spreadsheet
This trigger fires when a new worksheet is added to a spreadsheet you specify.
Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires when your local room temperature drops below a given threshold.
New row added to spreadsheet
This trigger fires when a new row is added to a spreadsheet you specify.
Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires when your local room temperature exceeds a given threshold.
Cell updated in spreadsheet
This trigger fires when a particular cell is updated within the spreadsheet you specify.

Room temperature changed
This trigger fires every time the room temperature changes by a pre-selected amount.

New spreadsheet added to folder
This trigger fires when a new spreadsheet is added to a Google Drive folder you specify. Note: only works for spreadsheets created after the Applet turned on.

This trigger fires whenever a notification is created by your heating system. This could be a low pressure warning or error message.

New worksheet in spreadsheet
This trigger fires when a new worksheet is added to a spreadsheet you specify.

Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires when your local room temperature drops below a given threshold.

New row added to spreadsheet
This trigger fires when a new row is added to a spreadsheet you specify.

Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires when your local room temperature exceeds a given threshold.

Cell updated in spreadsheet
This trigger fires when a particular cell is updated within the spreadsheet you specify.
Queries (With)
Current values of a row
This query returns the current values in a given row. Values from columns A-Z are available as ingredients.
History of room temperature changed
This query returns a list of when the room temperature changes by a pre-selected amount.
Current value of a cell
This query returns the current value of a single cell in your spreadsheet.
History of rows added to spreadsheet
This query returns a list of when a new row is added to a spreadsheet you specify.
History of when Cell was updated in spreadsheet
This query returns a list of when a particular cell was updated within the spreadsheet you specify.
History of spreadsheets added to folder
This query returns a list of when a new spreadsheet is added to a Google Drive folder you specify. Note: only works for spreadsheets created after the Applet turned on.
History of worksheets in spreadsheet
This query returns a list of when a new worksheet is added to a spreadsheet you specify.

Current values of a row
This query returns the current values in a given row. Values from columns A-Z are available as ingredients.

History of room temperature changed
This query returns a list of when the room temperature changes by a pre-selected amount.

Current value of a cell
This query returns the current value of a single cell in your spreadsheet.

History of rows added to spreadsheet
This query returns a list of when a new row is added to a spreadsheet you specify.

History of when Cell was updated in spreadsheet
This query returns a list of when a particular cell was updated within the spreadsheet you specify.

History of spreadsheets added to folder
This query returns a list of when a new spreadsheet is added to a Google Drive folder you specify. Note: only works for spreadsheets created after the Applet turned on.

History of worksheets in spreadsheet
This query returns a list of when a new worksheet is added to a spreadsheet you specify.
Actions (Then that)
Increase room temperature
This Action will increase the room temperature by a configurable amount.
Update cell in spreadsheet
This action will update a single cell in the first worksheet of a spreadsheet you specify. Note: a new spreadsheet is created if the file doesn't exist.
Decrease room temperature
This Action will decrease the room temperature by a configurable amount.
Add row to spreadsheet
This action will add a single row to the bottom of the first worksheet of a spreadsheet you specify. Note: a new spreadsheet is created after 2000 rows.
Set room temperature
This Action will set the current room temperature to a level of your choice. This temperature level can be adjusted manually or if Clock Mode is activated.
Set auto mode
This Action will set your Nefit Easy to auto mode. The auto mode (e.g. clock mode, holiday mode) sets the temperatures accordingly.
Set manual mode
This Action will set your Nefit Easy to manual mode.
Activate overwork timer
This Action will set your room temperature to a new set point for a configurable period.

Increase room temperature
This Action will increase the room temperature by a configurable amount.

Update cell in spreadsheet
This action will update a single cell in the first worksheet of a spreadsheet you specify. Note: a new spreadsheet is created if the file doesn't exist.

Decrease room temperature
This Action will decrease the room temperature by a configurable amount.

Add row to spreadsheet
This action will add a single row to the bottom of the first worksheet of a spreadsheet you specify. Note: a new spreadsheet is created after 2000 rows.

Set room temperature
This Action will set the current room temperature to a level of your choice. This temperature level can be adjusted manually or if Clock Mode is activated.

Set auto mode
This Action will set your Nefit Easy to auto mode. The auto mode (e.g. clock mode, holiday mode) sets the temperatures accordingly.

Set manual mode
This Action will set your Nefit Easy to manual mode.

Activate overwork timer
This Action will set your room temperature to a new set point for a configurable period.
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